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Wireless Networks Journal - CFP

Herebelow it follows the call for papers for a special issue of Wireless
Networks Journal. I would be very grateful if you could diffuse it
according your distribution list. Thank you for your kind attention.

Call for Papers

Baltzer Science Publishers

Special Issue
"Exposure Hazards and Health Protection in Personal Communication Services"

The rapid diffusion of electronic and telecommunication equipments and
systems emitting electromagnetic waves has brought into focus the problems
of electromagnetic pollution of the environment and the possible adverse
health effects on human beings. In particular, over the past decade there
has been a significant increase in the use of hand-held cellular
telephones. Because of the proximity of the transmitting antenna to the
user's head, great concerns have arose about the potential risks to human
health.  The problem has been made even more acute by the impending
development of wireless data services and wide-band wireless local area
networks. Many national and international standard organizations,
governmental bodies, and health authorities have issued or are considering
approval of standards, recommendations, or legistative actions to protect
the public from excessive exposures. In the meantime, scientists and
manufacturers are contemplating new design techniques that may reduce the

The aim of this special issue is to highlight problems which are presently
under consideration and to present recent progress in this area of
research, with particular emphasis on scientific studies used to define
exposure limits.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

Biological effects (in vitro and in vivo):
        - CW fields
        - modulated fields

        - source characterization
        - electric and magnetic properties of biological materials
        - experiments and numerical models


Interaction mechanisms:
        - at subcellular, cellular, single organ, and physiological system level

Standards and Safety Issues:
        - cellular phones
        - wireless data systems and services
        - wireless local-area networks
        - Video Display Units

The authors should send 4 copies of their paper to one of the Guest Editors
by February 1, 1996. The following time-table shall be followed:

Manuscript Submission:  Deadline: February 1,  1996
Final Manuscript Submission after Revision:     Deadline: July 1, 1996
Expected Publication Date:      xx, xx, xx

Guest Editors:

Prof. Paolo Bernardi
Department of Electronic Engineering
Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza"
Via Eudossiana 18, 00184
Tel. +39 6 4458 5 855
Fax  +39 6 4742647
e-mail: bernardi@tce.ing.uniroma1.it

Prof. James C. Lin
The University of Illinois at Chicago
College of Engineering (M/C 154)
851 South Morgan Street
Chicago, Illinois 60607 - 7053
tel: +312 413 1052
fax: +312 413 0024
e-mail: u45339@uicvm.uic.edu

Prof. Paolo Bernardi

Department of Electronic Engineering
Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza"
Via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Roma

Tel. +39 6 4458 5 855
Fax  +39 6 4742647
E-mail  bernardi@tce.ing.uniroma1.it